On 22 August 2010 I become one of the community development workers attending a workshop on Dynamic facilitation and sustainable community building. The workshop was hosted at Tlholego village near Rusternburg. Tlholego is a well kept eco-village cum training centre with incredible permaculture designes and initiatives running.
The workshop was lead by Robina McCurdy from New Zealand.
We were taken through various concepts and tools in community development which includes the Integral Theory, wholistic goal setting, watershed design and management, cooperative learning, group formation and development, ice breaking and energizing, PRA(participatory rural appraisal) among other things.
The workshop was attended by people from D.R.C, Swaziland, South Africa, Rwanda and Zimbabwe. Among these environmentalist was the director and founder of Njeremoto Biodiversity Institute (zimbabwe) Osmond Mugweni commoly known in his country as chief Svosve.
We shared ,learnt and enjoyed a lot.
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